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Bergen's Promise Presents at NJPSA Conference

Thursday, November 14, 2019

On 11/1/19, Bergen's Promisegave a presentation at the NJ Public Schools Administrators state-wide conference at the Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA) conference center in Monroe, NJ. The conference theme was “Special Education Directors’ Toolkit.”.

Care Managers and School Collaboration Team co-chairs Rebecca Allman and Daria Tabbachino, with Director of Care Management/Educational Liaison, Christa Ten Cate, provided an overview of Bergen’s Promise’s quarterly Collaborative Meetings with Dumont Child Study Team, which utilizes a case conferencing model to review strengths, needs, progress and on-going challenge areas for shared youth and students.

The goal of these meetings is to ensure fidelity to the “Wraparound Approach” with school districts for our shared youth, which results in optimal outcomes for them. Special Education Directors and other school personnel, totaling about 200, were in attendance at this conference. Department of Education (DOE) Commissioner Kim Buxembaum delivered an opening address, highlighting her strategic vision for DOE and its Office of Special Education, which included increased focus on school mental health services, collaboration and innovation. The presentation of our quarterly Collaborative Meetings with Dumont School District highlighted Bergen’s Promise’s alignment with these DOE goals.

Learn more about our Collaboration Project with Schools. Please contact us today if your district is interested in discussing further.