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Resources to Maintain Wellbeing and Balance in CoVID-19 times

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

During this difficult time, it is important that we have the proper resources to maintain wellbeing!

The "Resources to Maintain Wellbeing and Balance in CoVID-19 times" will be updated real time with helpful resources for families to maintain balance and wellbeing. If you would like to share additional helpful and reputable information and local resources for specific wellness domains, please send them to BergenResourceNet FaceBook page - Be sure to follow the page!

Some of the topics include:

  1. Physical Wellbeing (including information on COVID Hotlines - County and State; Medical, Food/Nutrition; Activities for Children, Yoga and Other Physical Activities )
  2. Social Wellbeing (including information related to social Services, Domestic/Relationship Violence, Technology; Transportation/Storage; Energy/Utilities; )
  3. Mental/Emotional Wellbeing (substance use, recovery, mental health, resilience/mindfulness, etc)
  4. Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
  6. Financial and Occupational Wellbeing (Employment, Housing, Fraud, etc)
  7. Parenting Support (COVID Related, Child Care Updates,)
  8. Resource Supporting Distance Learning